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Isola Wines has embraced the challenges of volcanic soil, relentless sun, and tropical humidity in their quest to cultivate the perfect grape. Each season, they have learned valuable lessons about the land, with some grape varieties succumbing to Bali’s intense climate while others thrived. This process of trial and error has brought Isola Wines closer to viticultural success, as they master the delicate balance required for optimal growth.



The art of vine care at Isola Wines combines scientific precision with intuitive finesse. Understanding the nuances of pruning is crucial – too little pruning results in excessive leaf growth, while too much can reduce the yield of the desired fruit. Isola Wines’ commitment to sustainability is evident in their organic farming practices. They lead the way in nurturing the land through the use of local, organic fertilizers, turning the journey of organic farming into a harmonious symphony where the soil conducts and the vines perform.


Reviving the ancient tradition of Pergola viticulture, Isola Wines has found the perfect method for cultivating wine grapes in North Bali's sun-drenched vineyards. This technique balances the need for shelter from the intense sun while allowing the vines to flourish in the tropical climate. By blending tradition with innovation, Isola Wines has unlocked the key to exceptional grape growth, producing wines that are a testament to Bali's unique terroir.

Source: Isola Wine