Casa Vida Bali

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Casa Vida Bali: Providing a Safe Haven for Children in Need

Casa Vida Bali was officially launched in 2012 and began receiving children early in 2013. The children at Casa Vida come from backgrounds of neglect, with families unable to cope or unwilling to care for them. Some have suffered physical or sexual abuse, which often means their stay at Casa Vida is long-term. This sanctuary is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for these vulnerable children, ensuring they have a place where they can feel secure and supported.

The children at Casa Vida are loved and cared for by a dedicated staff from various parts of Indonesia, ensuring their needs are fully met. This allows them to thrive, grow healthy, and become well-adjusted individuals. The older children attend school, and daily stimulating activities are provided at home to support their development and well-being. The staff's dedication and compassion play a crucial role in helping these children heal and build a sense of normalcy in their lives.


Due to frequent requests to take in more children, Casa Vida Bali is continually looking to expand its "family" as resources allow. The organization's commitment to these children is unwavering, offering them love, care, and the opportunity for a brighter future in a stable and supportive environment. Casa Vida Bali's mission is not only to provide immediate care but also to equip these children with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life. As the organization grows, it remains dedicated to its core values of compassion, support, and holistic care for every child in its care.


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